Mit Amanda Polias und Diomedes Tydides auf Monsterjagd: „Mythkillers I – Long Knives, Short Deaths“ (Comic)

Mit Amanda Polias und Diomedes Tydides auf Monsterjagd: „Mythkillers I – Long Knives, Short Deaths“ (Comic)

Die brandneue Comic-Reihe „Mythkillers“ lässt alle möglichen mythischen Figuren diverser Kulturen in unserer heutigen Welt real werden. Das ist mittlerweile zwar keine sonderlich neue Idee mehr („American Gods“, „Percy Jackson“ etc.), doch verdient „Mythkillers“ dennoch unsere Aufmerksamkeit, da zwei der Hauptpersonen der Geschichte engste Verbindungen zur griechischen Mythologie aufweisen. Die Protagonistin: Amanda Polias Amanda trägt…

The Odyssey as told by Monty Python – How Odysseus made his way to 20th century England

The Odyssey as told by Monty Python – How Odysseus made his way to 20th century England

Introduction References to Classical antiquity can be found everywhere. In fact, our modern world is built around its concepts and ideas, its language, architectural and stylistic elements as well as its stories, myths and characters. Classical antiquity has had such a huge impact on every single following century, that many of the above-mentioned elements have…